Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Personal growth from bad decisions - will I ever learn?

It's so interesting to realize how you are changing as a person, you feel the changes happening and people are noticing and appreciating them as well.
I feel I'm going through this changes these past few weeks and I'm glad that this transformation is happening.
I was happy with who I was as a person but I also understood that there is room for improvements and areas of knowledge I need to dive in to become even closer to the individual I want to be and live the values I have identified for me.

But what I find even more interesting is the reasons you go through these changes, the events, people and places that drive this transformation into action.
Everyone has different reasons, different aspirations and different AHA moments that drives their changes.
But as long as we all know what it is that can have these impacts on us, we are able to tap into them and actually become the reflection of what we believe and live accordingly to that image. Someone we can be even prouder of being.

I have gone through so many transformational period just in the past 4 weeks.
people in my life are challenging me in a good way, I'm redifining what love, passion, happiness and strength means to me and I'm challening my thoughts on how I can become happy.
I am having great discussions with people where I have to argue for my point of view and I'm learning more about myself in that process.

However, unfortunatly there comes bad actions among those good ones that take your development back few steps.
I have also been through this, something that really made me question myself as a person. but I have to live with it, what's done is done and now I have to learn from it as well to make sure it doesnt define who I am. I will still become the person I believe I can be.
So this negative action will most likely drive me even more towards my development.
but I hope I will not have to go through more of these negative ones on my path.. but if that happens, I sure hope I'm strong enough of a person to learn from it and make sure it doesnt define who I am.

I hope that drive will define who I am instead!
-with love-

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