Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

strengthen my faith to survive

It's already been 2 weeks since I moved from Iceland to Denmark, I'm getting settled in already, my room looks quite good and now it's just getting into the learning mood - reading all the time and have this analytical thinking.
it's just harder then I expected :)

As I sit a little longer at school looking at people that strike me as being so completely different from each other, with different backgrounds and different ways of thinking, I start to look at myself and ways that I am using my background and contributing with my different thinking - Am I doing that?

I sometimes doubt myself when I look at those people around me, I doubt my intellegence, I doubt my points in discussions and I doubt that I'm making a big fool of myself when I am trying to communicate.

“Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.” – Kahlil Gibran

I think that the reason I'm feeling this little these days is that I'm not comfortable in the environment yet, I haven't build up my self esteem amongst my peers. But that's what they are - my peers. They are no better/worse then I am. Just different and I need to overcome the doubt that my difference will not be accepted/understood and just go with the flow.

I dont want to keep this longer as I need to continue studying.
I just wanted to get back to these thoughts that I'm having and what I feel is my way out of situations that I have gotten myself in, no matter if they are rightly there or not!

- with love and faith -

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