Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What's the meaning of your brands?

It's interesting to think about how some things become a big part of your daily routine and some would say an obsession as well.
Like for example facebook.
Now, since I got the internet home I feel the urge to check facebook out regularely and check out what my friends are doing and what is going on in the world.
Facebook is becoming my means of communicating.
Does that mean it's becoming a part of who I am?

One of my course in school is talking about corporate Brands and one of the question that was raised in class is do brands become what they are because of the consumer's consumption? Meaning - do companies create the brand or is it we, the people who buy it and therefore strenghten the signal they are supposed to mean for people?

I never thought I was a brand person, buying and using brands just because they are cool.
But I do.. but maybe not for the coolness of them but for the sentimental value they have with me.
They are part of me - who I am and what I stand for, in some way.

I think it's very interesting to look at people this way and see if they are aware of this.
Because I think I'm not the only one that uses branded material to state my identity, who I am.
I think we all do in one way.
Do you buy organic?
You prefer fair trade goods?
You buy Nike because of their link with the atheletes?

Now always, but most of the time there is reason behind our purchases.
Are we aware of them, that's my question.
Facebook definetly is a part of me and my way to communicate.

- with love -

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