Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

lack of dialouge leads to pain?

The fall has officially arrived to Copenhagen. The cold has been here for awhile but it's the grayness, the foggy weather and the light rain that really make it look and smell like an autumn.

My days are becoming less organized then when I came here. I'm becoming more flexible. That, for me, is a sign of feeling comfortable.
I like it!

as the day become shorter, darker, wetter, my spirit becomes lighter yet stressful, happy yet nervous, awake yet tired.
My mind is always at work and not always working on the right materials.
So what is on my mind these days?
Complains and comparisons!

I have noticed that many people, sometimes even including me, complain heavily. Especially related to health.
But what bugs me even more than that is the fact that when someone else is sharing their pain as well... the pain is never as much as with the first people.
They are the one suffering.
It bothers me so much!

Why do we do that?
Why do we compare pain and lack of health?
Why do we insist that our pain is worse then someone elses?
Why do we think this topic is interesting to others?

I keep asking myself these questions, hoping I can learn from them for my behaviour.
I know we are all different, we can not take as much pain as the next person or whatever, but we should be able to respect that we also dont know how the other person is feeling and if your pain is worse.
I think this subject is doomed to lead to frustrations with friends and family - as everyone is hurting sometime.
We can not help it.
It depends on what time of pain we are in, but it's there - sometimes bad and sometimes bearable.

I think there are certain topics that people can not discuss without being very objective and open for a dialouge.
But many people aren't able to do so!
then what to do?
Stop whining - listen to people and they will listen to you!!

-with love-

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