Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am winter - fading away

This week, after going through some personal stuff, I feel I'm finally getting on the right role.
I'm starting to be organized again, I'm listening to music, I'm talking to friends and I think I'm smiling more.
It was about time I just say.

But I also think the weather here in Denmark is affecting my feelings. It's all so gray and dull and it keeps on snowing like I dont know what.
For me, this should be the time when the country starts to brighten up a little, green leaves around and people biking more.
but that's not happening as the winter holds on with every breath that it has to stay. And so far it's been stronger then the spring.
I personally hope, Mr. Winter starts to loose the power, starts to let go and accept the fact that spring has to come with it's birdsinging, green color and smiling people.
I can not wait.

But I personally, think I'm behaving like winter.
I'm holding on to something, some image of perfection, and I do not accept that it's time to let it go. Spring has to come with new images, with new connections for me and I need to embrace it.
I think that my power is starting to fade though as I start to feel this fact, that this image is not perfect. That the perfect image is out there somewhere.
I just need to let go, search and keep my arms open for it.
So I'm being winter at this moment,
trying to keep alive something that is destined to fade away.

so as winter slips away, I hope my image slips away with it.
-with love-


annan said...

You and me both.
Vá hvað ég er orðin þreytt á þessum vetri.
Ég get ekki beðið eftir að hann fari og allt byrjar að lifna við aftur.

William Wood Field said...

You remind me of Hallgrimmson: buried in an alien and forbidding land so distant from the peaceful serenity of thingvellir.

mawarnurani said...

so nice.