Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

killing myself partying

Oh man.
Another Crazy night of partying. This time with part of the GN board family. I staied up until 04:00 and woke up at 07:30 to attend my first meeting of the day.

The day was good. I had two company meetings, one with DHL and one with PwC. I got great insight into some possibilities I can work on over the year. So that's great.
I also met up with Mieke and Lyuba from AIESEC in Iceland, they attended my DHL meeting to enhance their learning and then I gave them some insight into my experience with AIESEC in Iceland and what I could see as potentials for them to capitalize on.

I'm still not sure where I will stay after IC, most likely France. Nothing has been decided but I hope to get some answers soon so I can book my travels from London when I'm back.

I miss my family, I miss my friends but in a way that I appriciate them more but not in away that I'm crying for coming home.
So now I'm trying to look into investments banks in Europe and then prepare to go to the CEE party where the theme is VODKA :P
So I'm not expecting very active morning tomorrow.. but lets see ;)

- with love -


annan said...

Bíddu bíddu...
gerirðu ekkert annað en að drekka þarna??
Bjóst við að ég gæti fræðst um erlenda menningu fyrst ég ákvað að kíkja þína síðu en nei það eina sem ég fann út var hvaða ákveðnar áfengistegundir koma frá...
Þetta er hneyksli Þórdís Katla!!!
Nei DJÓK!!!
Vona bara að þú skemmtir þér geggjað vel og já btw er búin að panta afmælisgjöf handa Gungu, ert þú með í því eða?

Gunnsý said...

Humm Anna fyrst. Ég ætla að kaupa miðan sjálf elskan ;)Takk samt ;) Er sko að fara að vinna og svona ;) En annars Þórdís. Ég skil þig svo vel með söknuðinn. Finnst gaman en vildi hafa vini mína hjá mér og sérstaklega fjölskylduna. En þetta er bara gaman og á eftir að líða hratt(vona ég).