Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Have you ever thought "just maybe"?

Feelings - what an interesting and sometimes amazing experience they can bring. They can also be sad, pain and cold.
We want to feel, mostly good, but I sometimes think people are searching for the feeling of pain.
Why do I think that?
People continue to hold on to objects or other human beings, fighting the loss as hard as they can. Most of the time, those people/objects we crave to hold on are those we need to let go.
But we cant and therefore we keep a feeling of pain, hurt and sadness within ourselves.

what is it that keeps us holding on?
Why do we fight to hold on to something that either has no feelings for us or that needs to leave our lives for some reasons?
Why is it hard to let go?

I guess, and this is only my opinion, that we want to believe that this person/Object is good for us in some ways.
That potentially there is more to come then the current relationship we have.
That maybe that person feels the same about you.

But usually, when we have hard time letting go - the other person doesn't even notice. Life goes on as normal.
And yet we sit and hope and pray and wonder.
it can be so painful.

So that's why I say people hold on to pain, the search it out and wont let go.
It takes time, hard work and support to give up something you truely believe is a good thing for you.
Giving it up is going to be hard. But only in the short term.
then pain goes away and we leave ourselves open for joy, love and laughter with new pepole, new objects - new experiences.

-with love-

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