Life is full of questions - I dare to ask them and hope for answers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finding the words to say Goodbye

My mind is no longer here in Paris as days pass and I have just few more days until I leave this chapter of my life and head back home to Iceland.

Last night I had to write a letter.
it was hard, it was strange, it was needed.
Saying my final goodbyes to a role and potentially to an organization that I have been a part of for 1/5 of my life.
Saying goodbye is always hard, specially when a big 'thing' is about to leave your life.

I have had to say goodbye before, with sadness and regret, hoping it wouldn't actually go away. A closed chapter I wanted to continue.
I remember all my tears I cried after saying those goodbyes.
I remember feeling bad for days and not thinking about anything else.

This time it's different.

There are no tears that follow this goodbye, there is no regret or hope for continue.
But there is of course little sadness.
5 years is a long time and I will feel something as I start closing this chapter and getting ready to start an new one.

The letter will be sent.
That will be my closure!

- with love -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thú ert geggjad dugleg ad segja bless :*
Ég veit ad thad er erfitt en thú hefur gert svo margt gott tharna! Duglega krúsísnúdurinn minn!!